Sultan’s Cream of Tomato Soup


Serves 2


1 tbsp butter

1 tbsp shallots, chopped

1 tsp garlic, chopped

2 tbsp tomato concasse

1 small tin of tomato purée

1 oz Gin

4 tbsp chicken stock

4 tbsp fresh cream

Salt and pepper to taste


Heat a large pan over medium heat and add the butter to the hot pan.

Add the shallots and garlic to the pan and sauté until the colour becomes light brown.

Add the tomato concasse and mix together with the garlic and shallots.

Stir in the tomato purée and flambé with the gin.

Add the chicken stock and fresh cream and make sure all the ingredients are mixed together well.

Season with salt and pepper, and serve immediately.

Bon appétit! Served on my “Impromptu” soup and pasta plate. 


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